Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser 10kg Tub
Product Description
Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser 10kg Tub is ideal for the control of broadleaved weed species and moss on lawns. Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser is a granular lawn fertiliser formulation containing 21.74% w/w anhydrous iron sulphate (44.50% w/w hydrated iron sulphate equivalent), 0.057% w/w Dicamba and 0.286% w/w 2,4-D and Mecoprop-P for the control of broadleaved weed species and moss on lawns. For use only as an amateur lawn treatment.
Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser is effective against broadleaved weeds of the following species: Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens) Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentillareptans) Daisy (Bellis perennis) Greater Plantain (Plantago major) Lesser Trefoil (Trifolium dubium) Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium fontanum subsp. Vulgare) Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolate) Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) Thyme leaved speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia) White Clover (Trifolium Repens) Large or perennial weeds may re-grow. Persistent weeds may require repeated treatments once new growth appears.
The moss will blacken as it dies. Any discolouration of the turf is temporary. Do not re-seed or turf for at least 6 weeks after application. The First four mowings should not be used to mulch cultivated plants unless composted for at least 6 months. Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser must not be mixed or used with other plant protection products.
Dead moss can be removed by raking or scarify 7 to 14 days after treatment. Re-treatment may be necessary for heavy moss infestation, or if moss returns. Do not apply more than 2 times in any one season. A 40 day interval is required between applications.
Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser 10kg Tub When to use
Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser can be used between May and August when grass, moss and weeds are actively growing and soil is moist. Do not apply during drought or freezing conditions. Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser granules or dust should not be allowed to come into contact with flowers, shrubs, fruit or vegetable plants. Apply only to established turf. Do not use on new grass for six months. Grass should not be cut 3 days before treatment and not cut again until at least 4 days after treatment. Do not apply when heavy rain is forecast but if no rain falls within 48 hours then water the product into the lawn.
Weed Feed Moss Killer Complete Lawn Fertiliser10kg Tub How to use
Mark out areas to be treated. Apply evenly at 32 grams per square metre over the marked area using a spreader or by hand.
Do not apply in windy conditions.
Keep off skin and away from eyes.
Avoid walking on treated areas until it has rained or product has been watered in. If spilt on paving, concrete etc., brush off immediately to avoid discolouration. If no rain falls within 48 hours of treatment, irrigate treated area.
MAPP 20541
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